Pencil + Crown

The dynamic copywriting duo of EmJ Anderson and Tab Noonan have long been one of our favourite teams to work with. We were thrilled when they approached us to design a brand and website for their new partnership, Pencil + Crown.

The brief was to design a simple yet powerful brand identity that would communicate their unique ‘cognitive and creative’ approach to copy. We developed a crown device that captured this visually, alongside a colour and type scheme to further reinforce their vision.

For the website, we wanted to create an impactful one-pager that would help clients understand their offering. We came up with the idea of a scrolling ‘colour shift’ effect that would show off their new branding in a truly unique way. Their site continues to be one of our favourite pieces to show off what’s possible with a great partnership.

If you ever ask us about copywriting services, chances are you’ll get to work with this talented team.